Take actions!

Act now ! You have the idea, you have the motivation, you have the network, you got the finance or anything. It is the opportunity to act right now ! As human we always think and say: oh well I have done this , or I have the finance or I got the job ! … [Read more…]

Take care of your health

Being helathy is one of the most important thing that we all tend to neglect ! Let me pull out this example: You have a brand new porshe, you go to the gas stattion and instead of putting some gasoline with 10% ethanol you put the cheapest fuel or whatever. You car first sight won’t … [Read more…]

Take care of your mind

The Mind is something great and at the same time extremely POWERFUL. Some people will think that being President or wealthy is the power, no there is something over this: The MIND. That’s the good news, and the bad news is that we can’t control it or almost never but you still can influence it in order … [Read more…]

How to quiet your mind

From Source: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/michael-neill/meditation-mind_b_2582546.html Take a few moments to try this simple experiment: Close your eyes for a minute or so and just listen to whatever sounds are going on around you. Be “a rock with ears,” hearing sounds the way a video camera would, without any preference for one sound over another or story about what … [Read more…]

5 technique to quiet the mind

From source: https://www.mindbodygreen.com/0-8716/5-ways-to-quiet-your-mind.html While it’s a wonderful creation, your brain is not the boss of you. It’s there to keep you alive. That’s it. All those circuits and all that neural elasticity was created for your survival. It creates emotions like fear and hate and loveand pain to keep you out of danger and help you thrive. … [Read more…]

Quiet the mind

from source: https://www.fastcompany.com/3026898/why-you-really-need-to-quiet-your-mind-and-how-to-do-it   Peace and quiet is a precious commodity these days, but sometimes we’re our own worst enemies. How many times have you gone to bed only to relive your day in your head or make a mental to-do list for tomorrow? Or maybe you’ve carved out a few minutes to relax and been … [Read more…]

Learning to fly, everyone can do it !

I encounter many people that tells me their dream for learning to fly. I am one of them, only difference is I am already flying and I love it. Definitely living the dream. You must think that I either have lots of money and time to afford this. Well guess what I don’t have money … [Read more…]