Shoreline Transition to San Francisco Bay Tour ATC

Before Taxiing Hayward ground Diamond 525DS request shoreline transition for a san francisco bay tour Get squak code (ex:5321) to enter now and frequency oakland center 127.2 to save for later When ready to taxi Hayward ground Diamond 525DS at the green ramp with information lima request taxi for take off runway 28L read back When ready to take off … [Read more…]

Checkride & Flying tips

Flying to non controlled tower Procedure: overfly the field at 1000 feet above the traffic pattern altitude and then do a descending turn to enter the traffic pattern on the downwind at the traffic pattern altitude 1000 feet and a 45 degree angle for runway 30 Radio terminology: Ex: “Byron traffic white cessna 95429 10 … [Read more…]

Learning to fly retrospective

Learning to fly didn’t only teach me to fly but also to be organized in things you do, understand why you do these things and how to. It also helped me be on time and stick to my words. It help me learn to manage stress and make decisions. You are responsible. It gives you … [Read more…]

Flying a cross country advices

Flying Tips: Knowing to plan your flight is essential but they are things that are not mentioned in text books that you’ll to know in order to avoid making mistakes. Fill your navigation log with all accurate calculations and I advise you verify them with website Then check the weather with FAA gov website … [Read more…]

FAA Test questions part 2

1. What is the purpose of the rudder on an airplane?  A. To control yaw.  B. To control overbanking tendency.  C. To control roll. The purpose of the rudder is to control yaw. Answer (B) is incorrect because the ailerons control overbanking. Answer (C) is incorrect because roll is controlled by the ailerons. 2. When … [Read more…]

FAA Test questions part1

Which basic flight maneuver increases the load factor on an airplane as compared to straight-and-level flight?  A. Climbs.  B. Turns.  C. Stalls. A change in speed during straight flight will not produce any appreciable change in load, but when a change is made in the airplane’s flight path, an additional load is imposed upon the … [Read more…]

Cross Country Flight Planning Lesson

Navigation: Pilotage: Navigating using visual landmarks on the ground Dead Reckoning: Plotting magnetic headings, computing compass heading, time & distance calculations should tell how long it should take Radio Navigation: Navigating using ground based navigation aids VORs and NDBs, they are radio transmitters that tells instruments how to locate them. GPS Navigation: Global Positioning System, … [Read more…]