- Class B (solid blue line) standard height is 10,000 feet AGL – you may not enter without an explicit clearance – must have mode C transponder to cross magenta line
- Class C (solid magenta line) standard height is 4,000 feet AGL – have dedicated approach controller and must establish connection before entering airspace
- The flag symbol is a visual checkpoint for VFR reporting
- Class D (dashed blue line) standard height is 2,500 feet AGL –
- Class E usually starts at 1,200 feet AGL – (dashed magenta line) extend all the way to the surface near airport means that pilot can be at lower altitude and still be in controlled airspace.
- Airport symbol: dot mean that it has a VOR at center, cross legs means it has fuel, a star above mean it has a beacon
- a minus shows that the airspace start from the surface and goes up to the number but not including that value
- Tower closed: airspace reverts to E or G
- Airport Advisory Area: FSS facility at untoward airport; provides advisory, but not control information
- Example: airport surrounded by dashed magenta lines and around it shaded magenta lines; 1) airplane outside of all the Class E extend all the way to 1,200 feet AGL and below that is class G. 2) once inside the shaded circle the Class E dips down to 700 feet. 3) once inside the dashed circle the Class E goes all the way to the surface.
- A shaded blue line designate Class E airspace the shading from dark to light it represent the element outside; Class E airspace goes down to 1,200 feet AGL or higher outside of this area. Inside the area it’s Class G all the way up to 14,500 feet MSL
- The jagged blue line specify that class E goes down to 10,900 feet MSL below that is Class G
- TRSA (Terminal Radar Service Area) is shaped like Class C airspace and have their own approach controllers. Communication is voluntary. -> It provides sequencing and separation for participating VFR aircraft.
- MOA is segmented magenta line you can fly there but use extreme caution and better check if active or not
- Segmented blue line with letter P: Prohibited area you may never fly through them except emergencies
- Segmented blue line with letter R: Restricted areas you should get clearance from ATC.
- Class G ground up to 14,500 feet MSL