Different Data Types:
- Stings in quote
- Numbers
- Boolean is true or false
- Null is the absence of value
Math Operators:
- + “add”
- – “subtract”
- * “multiply”
- / “divide”
When you introduce a new piece of data into a JavaScript program, the browser saves it as an instance of the data type. An instance is an object of a data type.
Each data type has built-in methods: like string.toUpperCase(); etc.
Call a method without an instance – that’s a library like Math.random(); which returns a random number between 0 and 1 in order to do 0 and 100 we need to multiply it by 100.
we use:
/* code */
Programmers use variables to write code that is easy to repurpose. When naming variables make sure you use camelCase
var: holds a value that can change.
cont: hols a value that cannot change or be rewritten
let: variable can be reassigned
happens when you create a variable and you don’t assign it a value. JS create space for this variable in memory and sets it to undefined. Undefined is a primitive data type.
Math operators: you can use variable with math operators such as:
var lopez = 3;
lopez = lopez + 10;
lopez += 10 (13)
lopez -= 10 (-7)
lopez *=3 (9)
lopez++ (increase number by one)
lopez– (decrease number by one)
String Interpolation
we use + to add two string in javascript.
‘lopez is ‘+ lopez + ‘ years old’; (lopez is 3 years old)
you can also use ${myVariable} instead of the + sign like:
`lopez is ${lopez} years old`
Browser support:
- canisue.com to refer to support for HTML, CSS & JS
- Babel a javascript library to convert new unsupported JS (ES6) to older supported by most browsers.
- why ES6? less friction, more attractive because of its object-oriented, readable, economy of code, easier to understand, mitigate some of the common pitfalls
Transpilation with babel
npm install babel-cli
npm install babel-preset-env
npm run build
Project structure: with npm & gulp
The babel-cli
package includes command line Babel tools, and the babel-preset-env
package has the code that maps any JavaScript feature
-D for devDependencies
in package.json under scripts write: “build”: “babel src -d lib”
— The Babel command call responsible for transpiling code.src
— Instructs Babel to transpile all JavaScript code inside the srcdirectory.-d
— Instructs Babel to write the transpiled code to a directory.lib
— Babel writes the transpiled code to a directory calledlib